Thursday, April 19, 2012

Part 2 Change


When we say things like "people don't change" - - - it drives people crazy. . . . Because change is literally the only constant in all of our lives.  Energy, Matter, Chemistry, it's always changing, morphing, merging, growing, and dying. It's the way people try NOT to change is un-natural, they way we cling to what things "were" - instead of letting them be what they are, the way we cling to old memories instead of forming new ones, the way we insist on believing, despite every indication that anything in this lifetime is permanent.   Change is CONSTANT.  HOW we experience change,-that's up to us. It can feel like death, or feel like a second chance at life, if we open our fingers, loosen our grips, go with it, it can feel like pure adrenaline, like at any moment, we can have another chance at LIFE.  Like at any moment, WE can be born all over again. 
(Quote taken from an episode of Grey’s Anatomy). 

High School Friends - - -Steve and Christie - - -and   Joe.
In May, I just got thru burying one of my friends from high school.  I was friends with his wife Christie all throughout Junior High, and always knew her husband – the Jock, Steve.  Steve was a really nice guy. Steve always had a smile for me, albeit a shy one, he always had one.  I will always remember Steve, in that Glenbard South Letterman’s Jacket, with a smile on his face. Steve died in May, he was admitted to the hospital one day, the next, his organs shut down, and he was dead.   Steve’s death made me stop, look, listen and think.   Half of my life is over!  Gosh, I don’t wanna die without LIVING first.
Joe was a neighbor of mine as I grew up, he lived about 2 blocks away.  I have known Joe and his family since Junior High.   Joe was lucky enough to own a place out in Ocean City Maryland, complete with a boat.  Joe and I had recently re-connected thru this wonderful website called Facebook.  Joe and I “hit it off” online.  -- Joe and I had many a discussion, about life, about everything in general.  We were fast becoming good friends.   Joe even went as far, as to invite me out to his place in Ocean City for a weekend.   I said “Yes - --when time will allow” - --time never allowed.  Joe passed away suddenly, and I will never get the chance to see my friend again.  Joe died a very rich man, he died – loved by everyone, he died with friends.
A beautiful life that came to an end
He died as he lived, everyone’s friend.
In our hearts memories will always be kept, of one we loved, and will never forget.